

Doctor introduction


前田 裕弘

医療法人社団日翔会 まえだクリニック 院長

前田 裕弘


日本血液学会 血液専門医・指導医
日本臨床腫瘍学会 暫定指導医
日本移植学会 認定医
日本エイズ学会 認定医・指導医
日本臨床免疫学会 免疫療法認定医


2011年04月国立病院機構大阪南医療センター がん疾患センター部長
2020年04月医療法人浩仁会南堺病院 病院長
2021年08月医療法人敬任会南河内おか病院 副院長


血液疾患における多職種の関わり : 5つの症例から考えるチーム医療の実際 前田裕弘


血液疾患における多職種の関わり : 5つの症例から考えるチーム医療の実際


前田 裕弘




| 慢性骨髄性白血病 | 成人T細胞白血病 | 骨髄異形成症候群(MDS) | 後天性免疫不全症候群(エイズ) | その他 |



A phase I/II study of nilotinib in Japanese patients with imatinib-resistant or-intolerant Ph+ CML or relapsed/refractory Ph+ ALL.

執筆者Akinobu Tojo, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名International Journal of Hematology
号数/ページ/掲載年Int J Hematol. 89:679-688, 2009
タイトルA phase I/II study of nilotinib in Japanese patients with imatinib-resistant or-intolerant Ph+ CML or relapsed/refractory Ph+ ALL.


Increased natural killer cells and decreased CD3(+) CD8(+) CD62L(+) T cells in CML patients who sustained complete molecular remission after discontinuation of imatinib.

執筆者Ohyashiki K, Maeda Y, et al.
媒体名British Journal of Haematology
号数/ページ/掲載年British J Haematology 157:254-256, 2012
タイトルIncreased natural killer cells and decreased CD3(+) CD8(+) CD62L(+) T cells in CML patients who sustained complete molecular remission after discontinuation of imatinib.


Efficacy and safety of nilotinib in Japanese patients with imatinib-resistant or -intolerant Ph+ CML or relapsed/refractory Ph+ ALL: a 36-month analysis of a phase I and II study.

執筆者Kensuke Usuki, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名International journal of hematology
号数/ページ/掲載年Int J Hematol 95:409-19, 2012
タイトルEfficacy and safety of nilotinib in Japanese patients with imatinib-resistant or -intolerant Ph+ CML or relapsed/refractory Ph+ ALL: a 36-month analysis of a phase I and II study.


Long-term outcome following imatinib therapy for chronic myelogenous leukemia, with assessment of dosage and blood levels: the JALSG CML202 study.

執筆者Kazunori Ohnishi, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Cancer Science
号数/ページ/掲載年Cancer Science 103: 1071-1078, 2012
タイトルLong-term outcome following imatinib therapy for chronic myelogenous leukemia, with assessment of dosage and blood levels: the JALSG CML202 study.


Improved drug adherence in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase by switching to second-generation tyrosin kinase inhibitors.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Acta Haematol
号数/ページ/掲載年Acta Haematologica.138 (3):140-142, 2017
タイトルImproved drug adherence in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase by switching to second-generation tyrosin kinase inhibitors.


Feasibility of the imatinib stop study in the Japanese clinical setting: delightedly overcome CML expert stop TKI trial (DOMEST Trial).

執筆者Shin Fujisawa, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名International Journal of Clinical Oncology
号数/ページ/掲載年International Journal of Clinical Oncology.2019 Apr; 24(4):445-453.
タイトルFeasibility of the imatinib stop study in the Japanese clinical setting: delightedly overcome CML expert stop TKI trial (DOMEST Trial).


Clinical Importance of Drug Adherence during Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in Chronic Phase.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Reports 2019
号数/ページ/掲載年Reports 2019, 2, 25; doi:10.3390/reports2040025
タイトルClinical Importance of Drug Adherence during Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia in Chronic Phase.




Investigation about down-regulation of CD3 antigen on adult T cell leukemia cells. Flow Cytometry and Image Analysis for Clinical Applications.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
号数/ページ/掲載年Edited by I.Nishiya, L.S.Cram and J.W. Gray ( Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.) 1991, p247-252
タイトルInvestigation about down-regulation of CD3 antigen on adult T cell leukemia cells. Flow Cytometry and Image Analysis for Clinical Applications.

CD3 down-regulating factor in sera and culture supernatants of leukemic cells from the patients with adult T cell leukemia.

執筆者Mitsuhiro Matsuda, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名British J. Haematol.
号数/ページ/掲載年British J. Haematol. 83: 212-217, 1993
タイトルCD3 down-regulating factor in sera and culture supernatants of leukemic cells from the patients with adult T cell leukemia.


Possible involvement of protein kinase C activation in down-regulation of CD3 antigen on adult T cell leukemia cells.

執筆者Mitsuhiro Matsuda, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名British Journal of Haematology
号数/ページ/掲載年British Journal of Haematology 86: 399-401, 1994
タイトルPossible involvement of protein kinase C activation in down-regulation of CD3 antigen on adult T cell leukemia cells.


The down-regulation of CD3 antigen on Adult T cell Leukemia cells.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Leukemia and Lymphoma
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia and Lymphoma (Updated review) 13: 249-256, 1994
タイトルThe down-regulation of CD3 antigen on Adult T cell Leukemia cells.


13-cis retinoic acid Inhibits growth of adult T cell leukemia cells and causes apoptosis ; possible new indicator for retinoid therapy.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Internal Medicine
号数/ページ/掲載年Internal Medicine 35: 180-184, 1996
タイトル13-cis retinoic acid Inhibits growth of adult T cell leukemia cells and causes apoptosis ; possible new indicator for retinoid therapy.


New Therapeutic effects of retinoid for adult T cell leukemia.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年BLOOD 88: 4726-4727, 1996
タイトルNew Therapeutic effects of retinoid for adult T cell leukemia.


Retinoid induces growth inhibition of adult T-cell leukemia cells.

執筆者Jun-ichi Miyatake and Yasuhiro Maeda.
媒体名Acta Medica Kinki University
号数/ページ/掲載年Acta Medica Kinki University 22:111-121, 1997
タイトルRetinoid induces growth inhibition of adult T-cell leukemia cells.


Inhibition of proliferation and CD25 down-regulation by retinoic acid in human adult T cell leukemia cells.

執筆者Jun-ichi Miyatake and Yasuhiro Maeda.
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia 11: 401-407, 1997
タイトルInhibition of proliferation and CD25 down-regulation by retinoic acid in human adult T cell leukemia cells.


Thiol compounds rescue growth inhibition by retinoic acid on HTLV-I (+) T lymphocytes; possible mechnism of retinoic acid induced growth inhibition of adult T cell leukemia.

執筆者Jun-ichi Miyatake, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Hematopathology and Molecular Hematology
号数/ページ/掲載年Hematopathology and Molecular Hematology 11(2): 89-99, 1998
タイトルThiol compounds rescue growth inhibition by retinoic acid on HTLV-I (+) T lymphocytes; possible mechnism of retinoic acid induced growth inhibition of adult T cell leukemia.


Important role of thiol compounds to protect oxidative stress on HTLV-I(+) T lymphocytes.

執筆者Jun-ichi Miyatake, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Leukemia Res
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia Res. 24(3): 265-266, 2000
タイトルImportant role of thiol compounds to protect oxidative stress on HTLV-I(+) T lymphocytes.


Clinical application of all-trans retinoic acid (Tretinoin) for adult T cell leukemia.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Br. J. Haematol.
号数/ページ/掲載年Br. J. Haematol. 109: 677-678, 2000
タイトルClinical application of all-trans retinoic acid (Tretinoin) for adult T cell leukemia.


A mechanism of apoptosis induced by all-trans retinoic acid on adult T-cell leukemia cells: a possible involvement of the Tax/NF-kappaB signaling pathway.

執筆者Hiroyuki Nawata, Yasuhior Maeda, et al.
媒体名Leukemia Res
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia Res. 25(4): 323-331, 2001
タイトルA mechanism of apoptosis induced by all-trans retinoic acid on adult T-cell leukemia cells: a possible involvement of the Tax/NF-kappaB signaling pathway.


All-trans retinoic acid reduced skin involvement of adult T-cell leukemia.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia 18: 1159-1160, 2004
タイトルAll-trans retinoic acid reduced skin involvement of adult T-cell leukemia.


Dichotomy of all-trans retinoic acid inducing signals for adult T-cell leukemia.

執筆者Terufumiu Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia. 19:1010-7, 2005
タイトルDichotomy of all-trans retinoic acid inducing signals for adult T-cell leukemia.


Clinical efficacy of all-trans retinoic acid for treating adult T-cell leukemia.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Journal of Cancer Reseaech of Clinical Oncology
号数/ページ/掲載年Journal of Cancer Reseaech of Clinical Oncology 134:673-677, 2008
タイトルClinical efficacy of all-trans retinoic acid for treating adult T-cell leukemia.


Influences of Epstein-Barr virus infection in adult T-cell leukemia.

執筆者Satomi Ueda, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年Hematology 13:154-162, 2008
タイトルInfluences of Epstein-Barr virus infection in adult T-cell leukemia.


Hypersensitivity pf Ph-positive lymphoid cell lines tp rapamycin: Possible clinical application of mTOR inhibitor.

執筆者Chikara Hirase, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Leukemia Res
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia Res. 33:450-459, 2009
タイトルHypersensitivity pf Ph-positive lymphoid cell lines tp rapamycin: Possible clinical application of mTOR inhibitor.


mTOR inhibition and adult T-cell leukemia.

執筆者Chikara Hirase, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Leukemia and Lymphoma
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia and Lymphoma 50:645-647, 2009
タイトルmTOR inhibition and adult T-cell leukemia.


Retrovirus infection and retinoid. (Review).

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda.
媒体名Acta Med Kinki Univ
号数/ページ/掲載年Acta Med Kinki Univ. 34:1-13, 2009
タイトルRetrovirus infection and retinoid. (Review).


Thioredoxin-binding protein-2 (TBP-2/VDUP1/TXNIP) regulates T-cell sensitivity to glucocorticoid during HTLV-I-induced transformation.

執筆者Chen Z, Maeda Y, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia 25:440-448, 2011
タイトルThioredoxin-binding protein-2 (TBP-2/VDUP1/TXNIP) regulates T-cell sensitivity to glucocorticoid during HTLV-I-induced transformation.


Senescence induction therapy for the treatment of adult T-cell leukemia.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Leukemia and Lymphoma
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia and Lymphoma 52:150-152, 2011
タイトルSenescence induction therapy for the treatment of adult T-cell leukemia.


Retrovirus infection and retinoid.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名T-cell leukemia. Edited by Olga Babusikova et al. InTECH, 2011
タイトルRetrovirus infection and retinoid.


Cellular senescence induction by retinoid on adult T-cell leukemia cells.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Retrovirology 2011
号数/ページ/掲載年Retrovirology 2011, 8(Suppl 1):A31 (6 June 2011)
タイトルCellular senescence induction by retinoid on adult T-cell leukemia cells.


Effects of tamibarotene for treatment of adult T-cell leukemia.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Ann Hematology
号数/ページ/掲載年Ann Hematology 91:629-631,2012
タイトルEffects of tamibarotene for treatment of adult T-cell leukemia.


Induction of molecular remission by using anti-CC-chemokine receptor 4 (anti-CCR4) antibodies for adult T-cell leukemia: a risk of opportunistic infection after treatment with anti-CCR4 antibodies.

執筆者Yasuyo Ohyama, Yasuhiro Maeda., et al.
媒体名Ann Hematology
号数/ページ/掲載年Ann Hematology 93:169-71, 2014
タイトルInduction of molecular remission by using anti-CC-chemokine receptor 4 (anti-CCR4) antibodies for adult T-cell leukemia: a risk of opportunistic infection after treatment with anti-CCR4 antibodies.


Relationship between Cellular Senescence and Redox Potential on Adult T-Cell Leukemia Cells.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Journal of Blood Research & Hematologic Diseases
号数/ページ/掲載年Journal of Blood Research & Hematologic Diseases. 1:1.doi:10.4172/jbrhd.1000101
タイトルRelationship between Cellular Senescence and Redox Potential on Adult T-Cell Leukemia Cells.


Adult T-Cell Leukemia and Retinoid.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Journal of Hematology Research
号数/ページ/掲載年Journal of Hematology Research, 2016.3:1-5
タイトルAdult T-Cell Leukemia and Retinoid.


Deleted mutation of GSTT-1 gene in patients with MDS.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia 12(12): 2039, 1998
タイトルDeleted mutation of GSTT-1 gene in patients with MDS.


Establishment of a myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)/ secondary AML-derived T lymphoid cell line K2-MDS.

執筆者Mitsuhiro Matsuda, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Leukemia Res
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia Res. 24:103-108, 1999
タイトルEstablishment of a myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)/ secondary AML-derived T lymphoid cell line K2-MDS.


Establishment of a myeloid cell line, YM711, characterized by retinoid resistance.

執筆者Yoshiyasu Sumimoto, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Leukemia and Lymphoma
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia and Lymphoma 39: 373-383, 2000
タイトルEstablishment of a myeloid cell line, YM711, characterized by retinoid resistance.


Detection of myeloperoxidase gene expression by in situ hybridization in a case of granulocytic sarcoma associated with AML-M0.

執筆者Hajime Miyazato, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia 16:1797-1799, 2001
タイトルDetection of myeloperoxidase gene expression by in situ hybridization in a case of granulocytic sarcoma associated with AML-M0.


A case of hypoplastic chronic myelogenous leukemia initiating with pancytopenia.

執筆者Mitsuhiro Matsuda, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Int. J. Hematol
号数/ページ/掲載年Int. J. Hematol. 75: 335-336, 2002
タイトルA case of hypoplastic chronic myelogenous leukemia initiating with pancytopenia.


Mutant type of glutathione S-transferase theta 1 gene homologue to mTOR in myelodysplastic syndrome :possible clinical application od rapamycin.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Leukemia and Lymphoma
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia and Lymphoma 44: 1179-1185, 2003
タイトルMutant type of glutathione S-transferase theta 1 gene homologue to mTOR in myelodysplastic syndrome :possible clinical application od rapamycin.


CD34+ progenitors from MDS patients are unresponsive to SDF-1, despite high levels of SDF-1 in bone marrow plasma.

執筆者Mitsuhiro Matsuda, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia 18: 1038-1040, 2004
タイトルCD34+ progenitors from MDS patients are unresponsive to SDF-1, despite high levels of SDF-1 in bone marrow plasma.


A perforin/granzyme-positive MDS-derived T cell line, K2-MDS, induces apoptosis in CD34(+) cells through the fractalkine-CX3CR1 system.

執筆者Yasuyoshi Morita, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Clin Immunol
号数/ページ/掲載年Clin Immunol 113:109-116, 2004
タイトルA perforin/granzyme-positive MDS-derived T cell line, K2-MDS, induces apoptosis in CD34(+) cells through the fractalkine-CX3CR1 system.


Extramedullary blast crisis derived from 2 different clones in the central nervous system and neck during complete cytogenetic remission of chronic myelogenous leukemia treated with Imatinib mesylate.

執筆者Mitsuhiro Matsuda, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Int. J. Hematol.
号数/ページ/掲載年Int. J. Hematol. 81: 307-309, 2005
タイトルExtramedullary blast crisis derived from 2 different clones in the central nervous system and neck during complete cytogenetic remission of chronic myelogenous leukemia treated with Imatinib mesylate.


Possible molecular target therapy with rapamycin in MDS.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Leukemia and Lymphoma
号数/ページ/掲載年Leukemia and Lymphoma 47: 907-911, 2006
タイトルPossible molecular target therapy with rapamycin in MDS.


Relationship between expression of mutant type glutathione S-transferase theta-1 gene and reactivity of rapamycin in myelodysplastic syndrome.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年Hematology 14:266-270, 2009
タイトルRelationship between expression of mutant type glutathione S-transferase theta-1 gene and reactivity of rapamycin in myelodysplastic syndrome.


A case of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia who developed pericardial effusion during stably controlled leukocytosis.

執筆者Yasuyoshi Morita, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Internal Medicine
号数/ページ/掲載年Internal Medicine 50:1737-1740, 2011 Retrovirology 8:100, 2011
タイトルA case of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia who developed pericardial effusion during stably controlled leukocytosis.


A case of secondary leukemia subsequent to myelodysplastic syndromes successfully treated with azacitidine.

執筆者Takahiro Kumode, Yasuhiro Maeda et al.
媒体名Case Reports in Medicine
号数/ページ/掲載年Case Reports in Medicine.Volume 2014, Article ID 793928, 3 pages
タイトルA case of secondary leukemia subsequent to myelodysplastic syndromes successfully treated with azacitidine.




Transient eosinophilia by HIV infection.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Ann. Hematol.
号数/ページ/掲載年Ann. Hematol. 79(2): 99-101, 2000
タイトルTransient eosinophilia by HIV infection.


Herbs for HIV infection.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
媒体名Am J Hematol
号数/ページ/掲載年Am J Hematol 70:263-264, 2002
タイトルHerbs for HIV infection.

All-trans retinoic acid attacks reverse transcriptase resulting in inhibition of HIV-1 replication.

執筆者Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年Hematology 12:263-266, 2007
タイトルAll-trans retinoic acid attacks reverse transcriptase resulting in inhibition of HIV-1 replication.


Interleukin-8 in the pathogenesis of primary central nervous system lymphoma in association with HIV infection.

執筆者Atsushi Sasakawa, Yasuhiro Maeda, et al.
号数/ページ/掲載年Hematology 17:144-150, 2012
タイトルInterleukin-8 in the pathogenesis of primary central nervous system lymphoma in association with HIV infection.




執筆者前田 裕弘
号数/ページ/掲載年診療と新薬 61:15-18, 2024

